NYTA X Dread MC – Bossy (3000Bass Premier)


Premier at 3000Bass

Since taking on board the N.Y.T.A alias, New York Transit Authority has been setting trends left, right and centre, with his uniquely techy take on bass music, taking in global support with an ever increasing fan base. We were super excited to see him back on the releases with his brand new bass heavy single ‘Bossy’.

It’s safe to say that NYTA has a seriously unique skill in the way he manages to stay ahead of the curve with bass music, continuously producing relevant 4×4 material without straying from his signature sound. As a single, ‘Bossy’ is one built to send the dances around the UK into a state of frenzy, as lashings of colourful bass synthesis writhe and reap away above tight drum processing, leaving just enough room for the enigmatic vocals of Dread MC to punch in.

He does this with finesse as always, providing quotable stabs and tight flows, taking the track up a level with every new uttering. As a composition, it just works, treading the perfect line between bassline and a more classic “niche” style sound design. We expect to hear this one rolling out at festivals around the country!

Words: Jay McDougall aka @cubkxvu